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2024 Presidential Election Predictions Astrology

Presidential Predictions 2024: Can Astrology Predict the Future?

The 2024 Election Chart

As the US prepares for the 2024 presidential election on November 16, astrologers in Europe turn their gaze to the stars, seeking clues about the potential outcome.

Venus and Jupiter in Opposition

On election day, Venus is at 2230 Sagittarius, opposite Jupiter 20 Gemini. This opposition between Venus, representing harmony and relationships, and Jupiter, representing expansion and luck, suggests a possible conflict between personal relationships and broader political ambitions.

The Uranus Return

According to Jessica Adams, a respected astrologer, the 2024 election coincides with a significant astrological event: the Uranus return. Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, returns to its original position in the US birth chart, indicating a time of potential upheaval and transformation.

Uncertainties and Possibilities

While astrology can offer insights into potential outcomes, it's important to note that the 2024 presidential election remains uncertain. The field of candidates may change, and unforeseen events could significantly impact the race.
